The Minister of Industry and Minerals, Professor Dr. Engineer Khaled Battal Al-Najm, startup the operation in Babylon Tires Factory after developing it and operating it again.

The opening of the Babel Tires Factory in Najaf Governorate after it was rehabilitated, developed and enhanced with new and advanced machines and production lines and re-operated to produce salon and light-truck tires of the Babel brand in different sizes

Under the patronage and presence of His Excellency the Minister of Industry and Minerals, Professor Dr. Engineer Khaled Battal Al-Najm, and in the presence of the Governor of Najaf, Professor Majid Al-Waeli, the Babel Tire Factory of the General Company for Rubber and Tire Industries was started up after rehabilitation, development, and replacing old machines with newer ones with advanced technology. They were welcomed by the  D.G. , Engineer Haider Nasser Dhaher, where His Excellency the Minister and the visiting delegation were briefed on the factory’s production lines and production method